Birth of a Brand


Toolkit Contents

Birth of a Brand
















In January 2001 implementation began of Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020 Action Plan developed by the community. Measurably improving the image of Greater Bakersfield was one of the seven goals of the Action Plan. The benefit to the community was readily seen as “enhancing our ability to attract and retain teachers, nurses, physicians, new businesses paying higher (wages and salaries), retirees, tourists, and young professional families to our community to further enhance our opportunity for long term success.”

Under the auspices of Vision 2020, a community-based team set the stage for developing an image campaign by finding out what others think of Bakersfield as well as what we think about ourselves and our city. A research firm was engaged to assess the perception of Bakersfield by consumers and businesses in California. The findings of this market research, along with the community input from the Vision 2020 process, became the basis for the development of Bakersfield’s positioning. Subsequently, a marketing firm was asked to create a communication plan with key marketing thrusts as well as an image marketing toolkit.

These materials are intended to be used as “tools” by local businesses, schools, hospitals, or other organizations and the general public to project a positive and consistent image of Greater Bakersfield to potential employees, customers, clients, or visitors. The contents of the tool kit may be used “as is” or incorporated into the promotional materials of the user.

Among the tools are the following:

• A description of the key marketing thrusts or messages
• A distinctive logo
• A new marketing slogan
• A brochure cover entitled Colonel Baker's Field Guide
• A print ad - HiRes LowRes
• A usage manual
• Two photo collections entitled, "Success Stories" and "Bakersfield Photo Collection”

Success Stories contains copy points and pictures, which profile residents, businesses and activities that express Bakersfield.

Bakersfield Photo Collection is a series of shots taken in Kern County and Greater Bakersfield over the years, which capture landscape, activities and attractions.

All of these materials were designed to help us create a unified image of Bakersfield both within our area and across the country. We are hoping that marketing professionals, community volunteers and others involved in promoting and communicating the Bakersfield Brand will use these materials consistently.

All material in this toolkit is copyrighted and may only be used in a manner that would reflect positively on Bakersfield and its image. Any use of the material for commercial or other purpose not consistent with a positive portrayal of Bakersfield is expressly prohibited.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

The Vision 2020 Image Committee

For additional information, please contact:

Barry Zoeller
Kern County Board of Trade

Danielle McKinney
Kern Economic Development Corporation