"Our future�our responsibility"

What do you want Metropolitan Bakersfield to look like in the future?  
Complete this survey to give your input to the City and County Planning Departments as they update the Metropolitan General Plan.  This input will also be used for the regional visioning process sponsored by KernCOG.  You can make a difference!

Please answer all survey questions:

1. In your opinion, what are the principal strengths of Greater Bakersfield.

Principle Strength 1:
Principle Strength 2:
Principle Strength 3:

2. In your opinion, what are the principal weaknesses or obstacles to accomplishing our community's vision for the future.

Principle weakness 1:
Principle weakness 2:
Principle weakness 3:

3. For the first obstacle you listed in #2, please indicate the level of regulation or other restrictions you would recommend to accomplish the goal of minimizing this weakness:

continue current activities
increase intensity
maximize intensity

4. For the level of regulation you listed in #3 for your first obstacle, please describe the trade-offs you would be willing to accept to accomplish the goal.

5. For the second obstacle you listed in #2, please indicate the level of regulation or other restrictions you would recommend to accomplish the goal of minimizing this weakness:

continue current activities
increase intensity
maximize intensity

6. For the level of regulation you listed in #5 for your second obstacle, please describe the trade-offs you would be willing to accept to accomplish the goal.

7. For the third obstacle you listed in #2, please indicate the level of regulation or other restrictions you would recommend to accomplish the goal of minimizing this weakness:

continue current activities
increase intensity
maximize intensity

8. For the level of regulation you listed in #7 for your third obstacle, please describe the trade-offs you would be willing to accept to accomplish the goal.