Phase I
Phase II
Phase III Phase IV

          Phase II  Results   

        Weill Institute Facilitator/Recorder Training  Class       (11/4/30/99)


What do you like about Greater Bakersfield? What are our Strengths?
Low cost of living 29
Central location 22
Friendliness/people 20
Minimal traffic/traffic not congested 17
Family oriented 15
4 year university-CSUB 14
Entertainment 13
Centennial Gardens 12
Sense of community 12
Minimal traffic 12
Many good parks 11
Neat River 11
Health facilities 10
Bringing in diverse industries 9
Civic Pride 9
Climate/weather 8
Downtown 8
Non profit services 7
Business conference 7
Good restaurants 7
Music scene 7
Housing affordability 6
Opportunities for sports 6
Habitat for species (incl. Hawks) 6
Philanthropic businesses 5
People give to charity/social responsibility 5
Bike path 5
Facilities for all faiths 5
Spring wildflowers 5
Recreation facilities 4
Trees, rosebushes 4
Graffiti wipeout 4
Educational opportunities for all 4
Media accessibility 4
Attractions, concerts, etc 3
Small town atmosphere 3
Cutting edge collaboratives 3
Vocational Training H.S. 3
Live theatre 3
Plenty of parking 3
Airports (3) 3
Symphony 3
Transit system 2
Railroad 2
Not too big 2
Take advantage of L.A. without living there 2
Oil and Ag mainstay 2
Growing/future opportunities 2
College & university 2
Many activities 2
Awareness 2
Affordable golf courses 2
Art Museum 2
Trader Joe's 2
Up on the Roof 2
CSUB Roadrunners sports 1
Good economic base 1
Large availability of land 1
Buck Owens 1
Radio stations 1
Scenery 0
Local govt. 0
Schools 0
Crystal Palace 0
What are Bakersfield's key weaknesses?  What don't you like?
Air Quality/air pollution 24
Poor image 12
Urban sprawl-losing Ag land 11
Gangs 9
Poor transportation system (airports, roads, taxis, public) 8
Teenage pregnancy 7
Inadequate funding for infrastructure 7
Lack of teamwork/cooperation between city/county 7
Leapfrog development 6
Quality of life issues (health facilities, groceries, buses) 6
Unresponsive city council 6
Underperforming school 6
Limited Public transportation 5
Biased newspaper - monopoly 5
High crime rate 5
Blighted neighborhoods 5
Not enough trees/poor pruning 5
Children at risk 5
Substance abuse 4
Homeless population 4
H.S. dropout rate 4
Drug use 4
Restaurants & retail 4
Failure of Bakersfield to sell its strengths 4
Provincialism 4
Ickey water 4
Too much influence of builders & developers 4
Education is not a priority 3
Inadequate teacher training 3
Lack of services for ex-cons 3
Inadequate park programs for children 3
Inadequate library facilities 3
Inadequate funding for public facilities 3
Recycling 3
Soil contamination 3
School districts' deficiencies 3
Overcrowded schools 3
Too much pesticides 3
Red light runners-impatience 3
Water quality 3
Poor airline service 2
Lack of indoor recreational facilities 2
Rail service 2
Lack of development in Southeast 2
Lack of infill incentives 2
Reactionary local government 2
Graffiti 2
TV-lack of world news/focus on entertainment 2
Animal control 2
Barking dogs 2
Union Ave. seediness 2
Limited positive teen/youth activities 2
Lack of single men 2
Racism 2
Personal safety 2
Out grow the "good ol boy" network in government 2
Planning process not taken seriously 2
Lack of engineering programs for ag 2
No East/West freeway 2
Racial inequality 2
Lack of international air service 1
Poor senior citizen public transit 1
Juvenile crime 1
Newspaper coverage 1
Conservative radio talk 1
Cell phones in cars 1
Too many SUVs/trucks 1
Poor road conditions 1
Tule fog 1
Lack of consistency of greenbelts 1
Loss of drive-in theaters 1
Big Brother monitoring/traffic cameras 1
Police radar 1
Lack of park buildings-rec. facilities 1
City Manager 1
Ogden Entertainment 1
2 industries (Ag/Oil) 1
Lack of openmindedness 1
Bad traffic 1
Lack of interaction between businesses & schools 1
Low literacy rate 1
Quality of life for disadvantaged 1
Poverty pockets 1
Environmental sensitive landscaping 1
Too many septic tanks 1
More water in the river 1
Unequal services to different parts of the community 1
Weather 0
Lack of fine dining 0
Ambulance monopoly 0
No free driving range 0
Lack of trust in govt. 0
No youth activities except sports 0
Lack of scientific research (air) 0
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