Phase I
Phase II
Phase III Phase IV


           Phase II  Results    Watson Realty  

What do you like about Greater Bakersfield?  What are its strengths?
Affordable Housing 29
Central geographic location - mountains, beach, L.A. 27
Great place to raise kids 22
Short commute - distances 19
Greatest real estate salespeople in the world 19
Mild winters 17
Good schools 15
Youth sports and recreation opportunities 13
Traffic not yet congested - no gridlock 12
Casual way of life 8
Good law enforcement and fire fighters 7
Agriculture provides fresh produce 6
Entertainment:  Fox, Palace. Centennial Gardens, etc 5
Less crime than other places 5
Friendly people 4
Cultural diversity 4
Wide streets 3
Free trade zone 3
Some well-planned communities 2
Health providers 2
River runs through it 1
Lakes 1
Racing 1
What are Greater Bakersfield's key weaknesses?  What don't you like?
Air quality 27
Image to the outside world 26
E. Bakersfield abandoned 22
Hopscotch development 21
Lack of long range planning 20
Vacant buildings-lack of utilization while building new ones 18
Need better allocation of tax funds back to Valley 14
Lack of exposure to big companies bringing jobs 13
Loss of ag land for development 11
Poor traffic flow management 11
Lack of job diversity (oil & ag) 11
No redevelopment of inner city housing 9
Hot summers 9
Graffiti 8
Low educational test score achievement 7
Gangs 6
Poverty 5
Litter, garbage 5
Ugly freeway-needs landscaping 5
Drastic change between neighborhoods 4
Inability to tax ourselves for transportation mitigation 4
No sex education - teenage mothers 4
Drugs 3
Lack of support for education 3
Speed too fast in residential neighborhoods 3
Don�t take advantage of resources we have -marketing 2
No major attraction 2
Need more homeless shelters 2
Grand Canal 1
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