State of the Vision January 2002
ImageStrategy #1: Create a process and structure to ensure focus and completion of activities in a collaborative fashion to measurably improve the image of Greater Bakersfield among internal (residents) and targeted external audiences.
Accomplished, monitoring and support efforts continue.
Action Item 1: A collaborative partnership group has been formed to address image issues. The partnership includes representatives from The Board of Trade, County of Kern, Kern EDC, City of Bakersfield, Realtors, and the Media.
Strategy #2: Identify funding needs and capture potential sources of funding to carry out goals.
Significant progress noted, efforts are ongoing.
Action Item 1: Funding has been identified for the research phase of the project.
Action Item 2: No progress reported.
Strategy #3: Hire a marketing/public relations agency to conduct baseline research.
Progress noted, efforts are ongoing.
Action Item 1: Vision 2020 research will be used for the internal attitudes and perceptions.
Action Item 2: A research firm has been hired to identify the external image of the community. The research will be completed by April 2002.
Strategy #4: Launch an internal and external marketing campaign based on the data gathered in the baseline research phase and the tactics and messages proposed by the Vision 2020 Image Vision Force.
Progress noted, efforts are ongoing.
Action Items 1, 2: Pending completion of the research phase.
Strategy #5: Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing campaign.
Progress noted, efforts are ongoing.
Action Item 1: Pending completion of the initial marketing campaign.