Phase I
Phase II
Phase III Phase IV

                   Phase II  Results   South Bakersfield Rotary  

Name 5 thinks you like about Greater Bakersfield.
Friendly People/everyone seems to know everyone 9
Affordable cost of living 9
Central location: proximity to mountains, beach, major cities 8
Good law enforcement 4
School systems and leadership 4
Climate 3
Downtown improving 3
Community support/volunteerism 3
Decent cultural/sports opportunities 2
Multicultural activities & food/diversity in community 2
Honest city/county government staff 2
Youth programs (Soccer, Jack Frost football, etc.) 1
Strong family orientation 1
Good landscaping, underground utilities, lack of sign pollution 1
Close proximity to work, retail, & services 1
Growing cultural scene 1
Bike path 1
Marketplace - new upscale businesses 1
Community collaboratives to improve neighborhoods 1
Welfare-to-work programs 1
Good healthcare providers 1
General lack of traffic congestion 1
Conservative aura 1
Strong feeling of community pride 1
Physical layout of area 1
Public facilities (Centennial Garden, library, parks, golf courses) 1
Planned 1
Future opportunity 1
Natural resources 1
Name 5 things you don't like about Greater Bakersfield.
Air quality - smog, pollution 8
Traffic-getting too big 4
Need more support for the arts (symphony, theatre, etc) 4
Lack of modern airport & jet service 3
Urban sprawl- lack of control, planning 3
Demise of agricultural land for building 2
High, teen pregnancy rate 2
Gang violence 2
Freeway system disjointed 2
"Trashy" Union Ave., So. Chester Ave., Southeast Bakersfield 2
Empty commercial real estate/rolling blight 2
Unfavorable external feelings about Bakersfield/image 2
Unincorporated islands 1
High gas prices 1
High, H.S. dropout rate 1
Low percentage of college bound students 1
Sam Lynn Ball park 1
No "high density" downtown, unattractive 1
Too few good restaurants 1
Too few green belts & parks & trees 1
High unemployment rates 1
Lack of job diversification 1
Lack of activities for young adults 1
Unsatisfactory educational results 1
Selection process for future dairy locations 1
Crime 1
Fence barricades on F Street & Amtrak - BHS 1
Graffiti - lack of respect of others' property 1
Biased newspaper 1
Lack of cooperation between city council & county supervisors 1
Blighted areas 1
Lack of concern about environmental issues (water & air) 1
Lack of interest in raising the quality of public schools 1
Relatively low number of skilled labor 1
It's ugly 1
It's toxic 1
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