Phase I
Phase II
Phase III Phase IV

           Phase II  Results   KCHCC

What do you like about Greater Bakersfield?  What are our Strengths?
Affordable housing 10
Small town flavor 8
Year round recreation 7
Centrally located to beaches, Las Vegas, L.A. 7
College education without leaving the area 7
Good place to raise a family 7
Community involvement 5
Good legislators 5
Friendly town 4
Opportunities to volunteer 4
Food basket-agriculture 4
Weather 3
Kern River 3
Great Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2
Renovated downtown 2
Traffic not too congested 2
Law enforcement 2
Centennial Garden 2
Good community collaboratives 2
Community parks 1
Mesa Marin and Bakersfield Speedway
What are Greater Bakersfield's key weaknesses?  What don't you like?
Lack of culturally diversified leadership 10
Air quality 9
Bad image as "hick" town 9
Hopscotch development/unchecked urban sprawl 8
High welfare rate 7
Large developers dictating the growth of the city 6
Overcrowded emergency rooms 6
shortage of quality jobs/skilled/highpaying 5
Underperforming schools 5
Blight on Union Avenue & Baker Ste. 5
Poorly planned roads 4
Unattractive gateways to city- North & South 4
Lack of afterschool programs in every community 4
Lack of interaction: law enforcement & community 4
Need new airport 3
Lack of crime prevention 3
Teenage pregnancy 3
Too many prisons 3
Dumping ground for other people's waste 3
Dependence on unstable oil industry 3
Absentee landlords 2
Conservative thinking 2
Major freeways dissecting city 1
Public transportation 1
Lack of childcare 1
Lack of entertainment 1
Poor interaction between law enforcement agencies 1
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