Phase I
Phase II
Phase III Phase IV

           Phase II  Results   Greenfield Collaborative   (12/9/99)

What do you like about Greater Bakersfield?  What are its strengths?
Friendly people 17
Full range of education: K-college & vocational 17
Affordable housing 13
Close to mountains, ocean 13
Recreational activities-"good availability" parks, etc. 13
Community activities 12
Resource Center-Greenfield 11
Small town atmosphere 11
Good schools 11
Collaborative Groups 10
Greenfield School District 9
Accessibility to agencies 9
Good places to eat 8
Variety of cultures 8
Centennial Garden 8
Heart Hospital 8
Fine arts 7
After school programs 7
Natural resources 6
Weather 4
Kern River 2
Good athletics/good athletes 2
Different restaurants with entertainment 2
Hockey team 1
Good notoriety - "Buck Owens" 1
Safe area- Greeenfield 1
Less gang activity 1
Kern County Museum
What are Greater Bakersfield's key weaknesses?  What don't you like?
Drugs 19
Failure to protect children (agencies, organizations, policymakers, parents) 19
Gangs 17
High teenage pregnancy rate 16
Low tolerance for diversity 15
Crime 15
Graffiti 13
Violence because of colors 12
Lack of coordinated efforts city/county 12
Lack of affordable child care 10
Lack of employment opportunities 8
Low wages 6
Stereotyping "who lives where" 5
Lack of community identity 3
Fog (weather) 1
Shortsighted planning by politicians
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