Phase I
Phase II
Phase III Phase IV

           Phase II  Results   Chevron

What do you like about Greater Bakersfield?  What are our strengths?
Low cost of living 13
Short commute 11
Local University 11
Oil industry 9
Geographic advantage - close to everything 9
Small town atmosphere 8
Good municipal water supply 8
Centennial Garden 8
Strong law enforcement 7
Good transportation/communication links (L.A.-S.F.) 6
Good medical facilities 6
Open space 5
Golf - good and cheap 5
Local presences of TV networks 5
Access to air travel 5
Diverse population 4
Downtown redevelopment effort 4
Friendly people 4
River (bed) runs through it 4
No snow or ice - weather 3
Good place to raise a family 3
Transportation hub 3
High educational diversity of populace 3
Symphony and art museums 3
Accessible local elected officials 2
Some excellent examples of well-planned developments 2
Low unemployment 1
Close to agriculture 1
Low cost commercial real estate 1
Flat inexpensive land
What are Greater Bakersfield's key weaknesses?  What don't you like?
Air pollution/air quality 15
Poor road planning 12
Local University limited in scope/majors 11
Leapfrog development & urban sprawl 10
Low educational standards and expectations 9
Strip mall development 8
Dangerous roads 8
Airport 7
Lack of trees and poor maintenance 7
Lack of urban renewal - need to focus on E. Bakersfield 7
Water diversion from the Kern River 6
Low median income 6
Limited fine dining & quality shopping 6
Lack of planning for water needs 5
Low paying jobs 5
Zoning for collecting money more than planning 5
Pedestrian difficult 5
Poor mass transit 5
Low rate of post-high school matriculation 4
Lack of economic diversity 4
Concern about dairies 4
Low quality parks 4
Oil facilities within metro area 4
Benchmark of "success" too low 4
No water conservation 4
Excessive speed in Bakersfield 4
"Beautification" not beautiful 4
Multiple names for the same streets 3
Poor sidewalk planning 3
Rosedale Hwy ugly 3
Lack of points of interest for children 3
Lack of emergency medical care in SW and NW 3
Poor process for community involvement in planning process 3
School district boundaries change too often & not reasonable 3
Inequality in distribution of school funding 2
Lack of political cultural diversity 2
"Cowtown" image- Ag influence 2
99 & 58 gateways lack beauty 2
Septic tanks in city limits 1
Public swimming pools close in August 1
Macy's SFO not same merchandise as Macy's Bakersfield
No curbside recycling
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