Phase III  

Visioning Meeting

High School Input � Centennial High � March 29, 2000


Our Slogan:

        Great place to live

        Bakersfield.. Oh Yeah! I drove through there once

        Bakersfield � a town for all things local

        There is something for everyone

        Small town with a BIG heart

        An equal opportunity community

        Bakersfield�.Oh Yeah

        The future is yours

        Growing towards the future


Our Image:


        Great place to live




        Agricultural community + big city

        Successful and entertainment filled town

        More trees and greenery

        Better malls

        A better one � no �redneck�

        Cheap housing


        Cultural and racial diversity

        We are not all farmers! I don�t drive a tractor!

        People think that it�s a place to retire

        Clean and safe city

        Advertising for events

        Primarily agricultural

        More business

        More community involvement

        More �nature�

        More waterways

        Major shopping town


Our Reputation:

        Safe and enjoyable community

        Clean city


        Good location

        A lot of recreation

        Needs to change � just the people need to help with our reputation

        A town with opportunities

        A place to vacation

        Not hicks

        Bakersfield needs a facelift, no more hicksville

        Strong standings


        Lots of jobs (for homeless and financially impaired families)

        Strong on values

        A good place to raise a family

        Small, serene community


Civic Culture:

        Active & involved

        Open gyms

        More community informed

        Community togetherness

        Family oriented

        More museums

        More plays (big ones like Les Miserables)

        Very involved � town meeting � community involvement high


Business Environment:

        More job opportunities

        More technology

        Variety of jobs

        Unemployment at a low

        More stable income of oil � not based on OPEC

        Lower gas prices

        Higher minimum wage

        More jobs-

        Improve technology

        Big industries

        Record companies

        More businesses geared towards teenagers, restaurants, clubs

        Higher wages

        Better shops, not necessarily in the malls


        Jobs that offer training for future offered to teens

        Bigger companies Ex: Sony, Mattel

        Need more �big� businesses

        A bigger medical clinic (like Sansom Clinic)

        Bigger/better airport

        Local businesses use the internet to sell products in a global market



Arts & Culture:

        More diversity

        More concerts & plays/musicals

        Appeals to all ages

        More facilities

        More people brought to Centennial Garden

        Recording studios

        Not the land of Buck Owens

        More variety in the arts. Sure we have a few live theaters but what about just music or art (paintings etc)

        No culture, needs a greater influence from American Indians, pagans, something other than Christian

        An Art Museum for the local talent

        A bigger museum and art gallery

        A bigger theater

        Night clubs

        Bigger variety of concerts

        More melodrama/plays (cheaper)

        Music for everyone �divers

        More big performers

        More money to Pioneer Village


Heart of the City:

        Downtown should be (the heart) if restored well!

        More needed and flourishing businesses downtown

        Homeless Center (Big)

        More community oriented activities where families can go

        Family oriented

        Friendly people

        More places for disabled children

        More trees

        Centennial Gardens

        The heart of the city should be the youth but it�s not

        More kids centers. Ex: Boys and Girls Club

        Public gym and rec area

        More cultural activities

        Improve the area surrounding the Kern River�offer recreational facilities/parks

        Marketplace and Chester are the heart of Bakersfield

        Downtown needs to be upgraded (more trees)

        Not safe enough to go out at night alone

        The Bakersfield sign

        Downtown:  restaurants, clubs/entertainment, bars, no bums, more color-lights-trees-benches, sidewalks, public restrooms, more up to date

        More shops

        Lights, bright signs

        Maze craze & water slides

        Hard Rock Caf� of Bakersfield

        Focus on downtown �Isla Vista�


Our Values:

        Community involvement


        Working together


        Taking care of elderly/disabled

        Classic conservative

        The consideration for others

        Especially in schools the value is on athletics way too much

        Cleaner, safer community

        Children�s future

        Students will not have books, they would use a laptop computer and disks for all their classes. They would have access to internet

        Good clean fun

        Family oriented


        Hard workers




        More in schools - better

        Schools need computers

        Jobs based on technology

        New Silicone Valley

        More DSL & cable providers

        More tech education

         We need to better prepare our youth to go on & succeed

        A larger improvement in tech. For schools

        More libraries

        More computers in libraries

        Trolleys run through downtown

        Better public transportation

        Wider roads

        A better bike path with more trees and less bums

        More involvement through internet

        Newer technology for schools

        Robotics factory




        More of it! � larger means of public transport

        Less air pollution

        Better roads


        Bus prices lower

        Train station needs to be away from the busy areas

        Amtrak trains

        We need a major airport, not the small planes we have

        How bout shuttle vans rather than buses

        Better transportation

        Safer public trans.

        Different variety of transportation

        More flexible traveling

        Less pollution

        Bullet train

        Beef up the GET

        Light rail

        Better bike path � cross town access




Biggest Changes:

        Upgrading the whole city, mainly the S.W.

        More plants and trees, less dirt

        Football here & baseball

        Building more schools that are helping out the kids these days

        Soccer stadium

        A new technological university

        More clubs

        Broader views-not so local-minded More KMC � more productive

        Bigger colleges with more programs offered

        Clean up the whole city

        Centennial Garden


        Big city

        Cost of living

        No more country stuff

        More local TV stations

        More rock stations

        Affordable Theme Park, Water Park


Break Thrus

        Downtown Bakersfield restored

        More businesses = more jobs

        Safe (crime at a low)

        Getting little kids to read more books and helping to learn that reading is important

        Bigger events in music

        A big break through for this town would be the acceptance of diversity and the lack of fear from one another

        Amusement park

        Water park

        New freeways

        Alternative energy resources

        Need substitutes for gasoline or cars

        Indoor ski hill

        New college

        Water resort � new lake etc. more jet ski, boat, places to go


Looking Back I�m Most Proud of�

        The effort to try and improve the community

        The growing

        Family environment



In our Community�s Future We Wanted and We Got�

        Beautify Rosedale Hwy

        Larger corporations (businesses)

        Space amp for kids

        Dance clubs for kids 18 and under

        Outlet malls

        Better malls ( Nordstroms)

        Music played @ Malls (live bands)

        More gyms �free recreation; upgrade recreation

        Welcome to Bakersfield sign

        More nature/exercise paths

        Longer lunch hours

        More trees

        Water parks

        More Starbucks

        Lakes (better ones)

        Year round schools

        Prettier (more trees, flowers, less dirt and dead grass)

        More free skate parks

        Higher pay rates

        More Bagels & Blenders (by Centennial)

        More appealing to the eye

        More activities for youth (i.e. concerts, pro-games, etc.

        More places like the Market Place (more appealing to the eye)

        Splash Cafee

        Better libraries

        Upgrading the whole city, mainly the S.W.

        More plants and trees, less dirt

        Upgrading the whole city, mainly the S.W.

        More parks and recreation areas

        Stricter laws against drugs and hate crimes

        More transportation, maybe �Metro�

        Better roadways

        More youth facilities to keep problems off the streets

        Cleaner cities, it looks dirty around here

        More community oriented activities like �First Night�

        More forms of entertainment. Not everyone likes that twangy country crap

        Lass strict laws on skateboarding

        Medical school

        Put more money into our schools:  lower class size, hire more and more qualified teachers, offer more choices in school

        Computer Businesses � Occupation

        Improve public libraries

        Put in more palm trees

        More patrol on the bake path

        More plants and trees around Bakersfield

        Lower gas prices

        18 yr old drinking law

        Water Park

        Amusement Park

        Soccer stadium

        Restoration of older communities

        MLS, NFL, NBA, MLB teams

        More churches (activities)

        Something to get people to stop instead of just driving through

        Better air

        10 commandments back in the schools

        Wholesome places for kids to hangout

        More colleges and private schools

        IMAX movie theatre


        Green � more grass

        Better college programs (business, petroleum, agriculture programs at CSUB)

        College events, something to attract people to go to college here, equestrian courses, concerts, better advertising

        Better curriculum, we don�t test well cause we�re not actually learning, just getting good grades (high school)

        More activities that are less expensive

        More electives in high school

        Controlled growth

        Clean air

        Good paying jobs

        We want more opportunity for East Bakersfield

        More community service/involvement

        More funding for education (so we can compete with Clovis)

        More public parks

        More public restrooms

        Controlled theater growth

        Outdoor options � hiking trails, ATV rental, horse rides, cleaner parks, water slides, amusement park

        Mall of America to be center of town

        Recycling cans with garbage

        Attractive Old Town Kern to be able to see our old city beautiful


        Outdoor mall/recreation (Ex. Santa Barbara)

        Cultural places to visit

        More parks in the Northwest area


        To be able to window shop downtown

        Sports facilities for teens/children/adults

        Clean lakes!

        Better �hangouts�

        Water in Kern River

        We want to maintain our agriculture

        Variety of restaurants

        A better reputation

        More drug rehab centers

        Better law enforcement

        More �Boys and Girls Club� type centers

        Better downtown living

        Places to go to have fun for everyone. Activities:  rock climbing, skiing, swimming/diving


In our Community�s Future We Didn�t Want and We Didn�t Get

        No more movie theaters

        No more housing developments

        No more Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Rite-Aids

        No 10pm curfew for minors

        GET bus ( no more)

        Dirt fields, tractors on the busy roads

        Useless oil derricks

        Shopping centers/grocery stores

        Overcrowded facilities

        Police thinking they can do anything they want like mess up traffic laws � they don�t respect them

        Huge diversity in culture, this causes problems


        Dirty streets �trash

        Homeless people on busy streets ( or homeless at all)

        The immigration problems

        Power unevenly dispersed

        Poor budget management

        Expansion of Bakersfield, taking away too much agricultural land

        Overcrowded schools

        Any more movie theaters

        Teen rape, child abuse

        Teen drop out

        No more gangs


        Teen pregnancy

        Bad people released in our state that have done crimes in another state

        Run-down hotels



        Racial division

        Strip clubs

        18 yr. Old drinking law

        Nigh clubs

        El Caminos

        Unequal distribution of funds and resources

        Gerrymandering of school districts for socio-economic reasons


        Buck Owens Blvd.

        Bad education ratings �California�s too low

        Discrimination � culture is low and segregated. Ex. East side and N.W.

        No ghetto areas

        People not involved in their community

        Empty shopping centers


        Over urbanization

        Bad air days

        Over-cultivated residential areas (we need more land with more space in housing areas)

        Business environment in residential neighborhoods

        No more high schools to be built

        Less golf course, country clubs




        Traffic congestion/accidents

        No more K-marts, Wal-marts or dumpy shopping centers

        No more cheap theaters shut down the old � open new big ones

        No opportunity



Our Vision for Downtown


        Good hospitals

        Night clubs

        Big Lake

        Magic Mountain

        Football stadium

        Police Station

        Better roads

        Help schools in all Downtown

        Cleaner neighborhoods N of 34th

        Museum:  fix the roads, better landscape, cleaner, Amusement park

        Gang counselors near Lakeview

        Water slides

        Lots of trees

        YMCA N of 34th

        Homeless Shelter and Park S of California bet. Union and Chester

        Lake E of Lakeview

        Grocery Store on California W of Union

        Beale � Clean up this area a lot

        Bigger streets � California

        Clean the highway better (99)

        All people need to help out with the problems of Bakersfield

        More road work on all roads

        Clean up image N of Golden State � fix the road

        No homeless

        Homeless center N of 34th

        A play center for disabled kids S of California

        Clean up Union Ave

        Image of Rancho Motel

        Keep improving our town image

        Expanding fo the business district

        Restore buildings S of California

        More events for teens near Lakeview

        Streetscape N of 34th

        Beale Ave. area:  economic engine; need equal distribution of funds; More police officers patroling the area; Events

        Go cart tract S of California

        Better shops

        Better parking everywhere

        Bigger arcades

        Restaurants (with more than just food � like performers or themes) with teenager/young adult appeal

        I would like to be able to �walk� downtown

        Drop in to entertainment downtown

        Lakeview area needs to be cleaned up

        Street Fairs along California

        Add trees and flowers to hide Hwy 99

        Along highway have murals (covers graffiti � improves overall look and style and drive


        Entertainment for all cultures

        Clean up along Golden State Hwy

        Playgrounds near 34th

        Fix Padre Hotel

        Computer library

        Canal like in Venice

        Mall of America

        Better living � apartments � fix blight

        Add restaurants and shops

        Fix up hotels

        Add events

        Trolleys around down town

        Make roads look better

        More places to go � 34th st. cafes, shops

        Renovations � facelift

        More hours for buses on weekends

        Career Center in E. Bakersfield

        Nursery, fix buildings on Bakers T. More Homeless Shelters

        Lakeview: Teaching center, restaurants, safer church environment. Boys and Girls Club, street signs, Bigger shopping center, Park security, fix streets, neighborhood watch