Phase I
Phase II
Phase III Phase IV

           Phase II  Results    Jim Burke Foundation    (11/10/99)

What do you like about Greater Bakersfield? What are its strengths?
Great Teachers 13
Commitment to work together 13
Community involvement 11
Community pride (brings people back) 8
Student access to education 8
Ability  to adapt to community needs 8
Involvement of community business & corp. leaders 8
Prosperous and generous community gives to education 8
Innovative programs 6
Safe and secure learning environment 5
Use of technology 5
Strong/able leadership within ethnic groups 5
Intergenerational community leadership 4
Local control 4
Educ. Systems dedicated to life-long learning 4
Commitment to each individual's education 4
Establishing & maintaining extra & co-curricular activity 4
Striving for quality 3
Variety of educational institutions 3
Breadth of educational opportunities 3
Welcoming families to be involved 3
Ethnic diversity 2
Quality facilities 1
Welcoming students into educ. Process 1
What are the key weaknesses of Greater Bakersfield?  What don't you like?
Near bottom H. S. graduation rates 15
Low end of $/public 14
Low basic skills (literacy, etc.) 13
Lack of strategic community/educ. Plan 11
Parental lack of understanding of academic goals 11
Lack of smooth transition between educ. Levels 9
High student-to-teach ratio 9
Low % post high school education 7
Teachers don't reflect ethnic make up 7
Fail to have technology equality (haves and have-nots) 7
Identified strengths do no reflect student results 6
Lack of recognition. Support for early child education 6
Lack of financial aide support 5
Low admission rates to CSU & UC universities 4
Weak financial structure without local control 4
Tend to "push" students into "at-risk" categories 4
Need more inclusion with the community 4
Lack of coordination between parks dept. and educ. 2
High teenage pregnancy rate 1
Outlying communities left out 1
Mothers tend to be isolated 1
Lack of incentives for parents to get concerned 0
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