Vision Force Minutes

Heart of the City: Downtown 07/11/00 09/28/00
Economic Development 08/04/00 08/08/00 08/15/00 08/25/00 08/29/00 09/26/00
* Community Planning & Transportation 07/25/00 07/26/00 08/02/00 08/23/00
Youth and Family 08/10/00 08/17/00 08/24/00 08/31/00 09/07/00 09/14/00 09/26/00
Education & Life-Long Learning 07/26/00 08/02/00 08/16/00
Quality of Life 08/01/00 08/08/00 08/15/00 08/22/00 08/29/00 09/14/00 09/30/00 09/28/00
Image 08/08/00 08/22/00 09/05/00 09/19/00 10/03/00 10/16/00
* These are WORKING minutes of the P / T Committee and none of the decisions or recommendations
have been approved or accepted by Vision 2020 Inc.