Phase III  

Visioning Meeting

Kern County Superintendent of Schools

April 12, 2000


Our Slogan:

        A place for everyone under the sun�


Our Image:



        One of the best places to live

        Beautiful city with lots of greenery � no more dry and dusty image


Our Reputation:

        The best place to live

        Hometown for everyone

        Escape from L.A.

        Community oriented

        People are our greatest strength

        Great place to live, to visit

        A city known for its creative architecture


Business Environment:

        Highest % of businesses partnering to build & support families (#1 in the nation)

        Environment and business ventures are compatible

        More friendly coop with state over taxes returned to community for public projects


Arts & Culture:

        Symphony Hall

        More Broadway Shows

        More Arts



        High parent involvement

        Child care providers

        Better pay for college teachers

        A U.C. (doctorettes)

        Affordable, quality childcare

        Kids excel at off the chart levels!

        Change the way we �do� school

        Known as a feeder for U.C.

        We can get P.h.d.�s here


Heart of the City:

        Unity and hope for all

        Opera house or state of the art musical center



        Esthetics part of all development and redevelopment


Our Values:



        Strong families



        Electronic manufacturing


        Viable electric cars

        Control negative aspects of the internet � i.e. porn




        Monorail to L.A. & S.F.

        Major airline hub

        Convenient metro transportation

        No gasoline powered vehicles allowed

        Nice train station

        Bike lanes everywhere

        Freeway from East to West with off ramp to downtown

        California train system

        Large Airport with planes to all U.S. destinations


Biggest Changes:

        No homeless population

        Educational options

        Freeway from 99 to I5

        Mass rail link in valley


Break Thrus

        Gov. shared financial responsibility

        Agriculture breakthrough � control of pollens, pesticides

        Pollution free


Looking back I�m most proud of�

        Kern County collaboratives

        �incubation� support for new businesses

What�s our Vision for our economy over the next 10-20 years?

        Diversified � not dependent on Ag & Oil

        More cultural diversity and tolerance

        The weakest of us can provide all that is desired by our families

        Unlimited opportunities to provide for our families

        The Grand Canal

        Let�s develop a new Silicon Valley Industry


What kind of jobs do we want to attract here over the next 10-20 years?


        Entertainment (movie making) industry

        Processing plants for our ag products

        Recreation/leisure center

        Software development

        Ag program for Cal State Bakersfield


        City & County recreation upgrades that hire students while providing needed service



Our Vision for Downtown

        Riverwalk/parkway near Museum with Art Galleries

        24th Street (Chester to Oak): Grocery store, protect neighborhood environment, bars, shopping & galleries & luncheonette

        Downtown core:  Opera/playhouse & theatres; Safe/attractive �Walking/shopping� entertainment


        Paseo Nuevo mall type

        Living center for homeless families


        Extend Beale Library to Excot Center

        Renewed �Old Town� Kern

        Larger roads and redevelop industrial park S of California

        Equity in city maintenance along Union Ave.

        Lakeview area: parks and shopping; Youth centers

        Clean up homeless problem on Golden State area

        Baseball/sports complex � Museum/entertainment complex in Museum grounds area

        Interactive Theme Park Museum near Garces Circle

        Riverwalk thru Central Park

        Eliminate deadend of fwy 58

        Spend $$ on streets and park S of California; enhanced recreation opportunities

        Neighborhood clean-up program in Lakeview area

        Redeveloped East communitites

        Amusement Park on East side



In our Community�s Future we wanted and we got:

        An amusement park

        A football stadium & team at CSUB

        Science museum (exploratorium type)

        More emphasis on trees and water to encourage street life

        Return of dept. stores to downtown!

        Air Travel to hubs in the mid-West & East (Dallas, Chicago, etc.)

        Infrastructure improvements prior to development � rather than after

        More public art (sculptures, murals, fountains)

        Clean Air!

        Cultural and civic upgrade

        Beautification of S.E. Bakersfield

        Grocery stores & shopping center in S.E.

        Thoughtful mixed use development

        Open space near city

        Lake Wobegone!

        All the children are above average

        Ice rink

        Krispy Kremes

        Better quality medical care

        Living & health centers for all

        Better planning

        Clubs for under-age children

        Land and water use policies and practices

        Upgrade existing community parks and their facilities

        Water park for youth


In our Community�s Future We didn�t Want and Didn�t Get�

        A downtown with an imposing skyline

        Junky strip malls

        Drugs and gangs-graffiti

        Housing development without planning/sprawl

        Earthquake damage

        Los Angeles

        People without �hope�


Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010General Planning Area:

        Metro Plan (K.C. Museum area) developed: museum, Discovery Center (Science and Math), agricultural center, oil exhibit, etc.

        Fully developed soccer park near CALM, with new Water Park and CALM zoo developed as a unique destination point � (fully developed educational and recreational site)

        KCSOS � college classes offered during lunch hour

        Mall downtown: career clothing, activities, babysitting, food

        High speed rail � L.A. to S.F. along 99 corridor

        Regional transportation centers  scattered throughout metro Bakersfield linking air/rail/downtown

        Do not develop the flood plain section of the river W of Gosford

        Monorail along Rosedale Hwy direct East along College Ave

        New freeway connection � Hwy 58 along Stockdale turning North at Ashe and connecting E. of Callloway with Rosedale

        Center for arts and entertainment downtown

        Water Park on Rosedale  - W of 99 E of Mohawk

        Hacienda for children and families (homeless?) in Northeast hillsides

        Motorcross park adjacent to Mesa Marin

        Large industries W near I 5

        Theme Park/resort destination � W side

        West/East Transportation corridor



Common Themes:

        Variety in transportation


        Cultural Enhancement/entertainment

        Bakersfield as a focal point to stay

        Economy that includes everyone

        Taking care of �everyone�

        Environmental issues
