Phase III  

Community Visioning Meeting

Stockdale High School

April 13, 2000


Our Slogan:

        The spirit of �Baker�s Field� still lives

        �Hot spot � Cool Place�

        Come stay for awhile

        The Venice of the Valley

        California�s hometown

        Don�t just drive thru: Stay for awhile

        The biggest small town you�ll find


Our Image:

        A community that embraces all of its members

        Smart planners

        Clean, safe city

        Attractive convention city with arts, theatre, music

        Green & Water

        Trend setting and innovative


Our Reputation:

        Residents committed to higher standards


        Loving community

        Friendly, caring community

        A place where people can come to raise a family

        Still a family community


        SLO of the valley � a place people want to be


Civic Culture:

        Kids want pools


Business Environment:

        Fostering family owned business

        �Business-friendly� govt. agencies

        Organic Ag

        An international agriculture and trade center

        Vibrant downtown and many business clusters in all areas of Bakersfield

        More locally owned businesses


Arts & Culture:

        Music center

        Opera house

        Kern River School of Art

        Art Museum

        Beautiful Central Park

        Music Center for Symphony

        IMAX Theater

        Children�s Museum � hands on



        Engineering, other hi-tech university courses

        Less than 5% dropout rate

        Each H.S. graduate to have a resume and samples of work on a CD


Heart of the City:

        The Kern River Green Belt

        Kern River Parkway with Sam Lynn the middle and a park

        More people living there

        Outdoor cafes

        A vibrant downtown full of activity and people

        Diverse, friendly people

        Cafes/restaurants/shopping � a downtown marketplace

        A dome in the center of the city with a controlled atmosphere


Our Values:

        Small town

        Character counts

        Family oriented � high morals and caring



        Internet hub  - also fulfillment

        More computer access in classrooms




        Monorail to L.A. and In town light rail

        Car pools encouraged

        Hovercraft and computer guidance systems for all vehicles

        Community clusters so people can walk to shopping, work, school, etc.

        Bakersfield is a major stop on the interstate high speed rail


Biggest Changes:

        Direction of growth from SW to NE

        Cessation of developer-driven planning

        More deputy sheriffs in county areas

        Competitive newspaper (another choice besides the Californian

        Widespread youth centers throughout the community and each neighborhood


Break Thrus:

        Healing center

        No poverty, hunger, or joblessness

        Cleanest air in the valley

        We conquered the �digital divide� � a computer in every home

        Lots of water in river and parks all year


Looking back I�m most proud of�

        The changes we�ve made in improvement of air quality, health care, ag techniques, conservation of farmland, city growth towards the hills (East)�

        A successful Vision 2020 project!!!



What�s our Vision for our Economy over the next 10-20 years?

        Lots of entry and high tech jobs

        Crafts training through apprenticeship programs for students that may not go on to college

        State and federal offices

        Advance from an ag based economy to a more technologically based economy

        More jobs in financial sector

        Less dependency on oil and ag

        Less government/more entrepreneurial spirit

        More diversity

        Hometown owned business

        More support for zoo, art museum

        Light manufacturing (computer components, etc.)

        Canneries, cheese factories, dehydrators, etc. � outside of Bakersfield to create more good jobs


What kind of Economic Development Initiatives do we want to create?

        Quality business clusters

        Vocation opportunities for students who don�t go to college

        We need more workers for service areas

        Waiver of some fees for infill development

        Canneries to use produce grown here

        Tax incentives to draw desirable businesses


What kind of jobs do we want to attract here over the next 10-20 years?

        Information age work � higher paying and educational strategies to achieve

        Historic tours

        Jobs for kids

        International commerce

        Electronically connected home based jobs

        Quality medical care

        We need to improve teachers performance


        Movie industry

        Research centers

        Healing Center � �Complementary Care�

        Think tanks

        Medical clinic � private



Our Vision for Downtown:

        Modern airport

        Expand K.C. Museum

        Clear off blocks downtown and build homes

        Utilize Hopper property


        More green on 58 and 99

        New City Hall on Truxtun with park between city hall and county admin building.

        Single and multi family housing in the area of Central Park

        Art Museum expanded downtown

        Housing in the Northeast

        World renowned museum complex at K.C. Museum site

        New baseball stadium at Sam Lynn

        Underpass of Hwy 178 thru town with parkway on top

        Nordstrom along Chester Ave. Upscale housing  near Riverwalk

        Riverwalk completed to tourist and recreation area between Truxtun and California

        High density housing downtown

        Farmers Market and entertainment at night like SLO

        A beautiful park for children (Central Park) with a Carousel � near Bak. Museum of Art

        Lakeview: revitalized neighborhoods � parks that are safe � neighborhood supermarkets and retailers



In our Community�s Future We Wanted and We Got�

        Better shopping ( ex. Nordstrom)

        Tree ordinance

        Low cost entertainment for teens

        Better schools K-12

        Protection of air and water quality

        Water Park

        River Walk

        More government support for the Arts

        Mandatory recycling

        More efficient public transportation system

        Lots of open space interspersed throughout the city

        Cracker Barrel!

        We need educational support for ag based business: training inbusiness, growth, etc.

        Higher paying jobs

        Curbside recycling

        Large community Foundation

        Landscaped 99 freeway

        Continuous Crosstown freeway

        �BART� type transit

        A beautiful river

        Arboreal atmosphere � tall, cooling

        Whitewater Parks, �slolam boating�

        Better enforcement  of traffic laws

        An area outside of greater Bakersfield for dairies, cheese factories, oil refineries, etc.

        Clean air and water

        Ag land protected primarily with row crops

        Clean safe water running year round in the Kern


In our Community� Future We Didn�t Want and We Didn�t Get�

        L.A. Refuse or from any other place

        Loss of prime agricultural lands to urban sprawl

        Urban blight (existing, un-used facilities)

        Sprawl/without planning

        Polluted air

        Unwed parents and teen pregnancies

        Mega dairies

        Excessive pesticides

        No homeless

        Messy freeways


        To be the dairy center of CA

        Air that�s polluted

        Abandoned buildings

        More WWF Shows

        Developments without dust control


        Developer-driven (tailwagging dog) planning

        More government


Metropolitan Bakersfield � 2010 General Planning Area

        Fill in blanks before building outward

        Upscale housing downtown

        Hwy 178 connects to Golden State North to connection with Hageman

        Residential construction to the Northeast

        Whitewater Park and Recreational Area at the East end of river � Develop/clean the river

        Clean, safe water running in the Kern year round

        No housing In SW quadrant

        Big dairies are great in the right place (S end)

        Protect Ag lands with primarily row crops as we have had traditionally � yes on 3,000 cow dairies properly located with dairy inspectors and regulations to oversee. Cap the number of dairies in CA

        Small sized dairies (3000 cows are enough) S of 223

        Several parks S of town � more trees

        Housing with trees ala �Old Westchester and Oleander�

        Beltway around community from 58 S along Taft Hwy to I-5 and N to connect with 7th Standard

Common Themes:



        River as resource



        Downtown redevelopment

        Freeway connection

        Clean air

        Proper planning



        Diversity employment/education

        Family town