Phase III
Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
15, 2000
Where the good life gets better
This is God�s Country
The friendliest community in the world
Baker�s Field
� Positive Destination spot (as we once were)
� Garden spot of the valley
� Welcoming to all
� Friendly
� A place you want to live and do business
� Good planning
� Tolerance for others-diversity
� THE place to live
� Absolutely the friendliest people anywhere!
� Change is possible
� Our word is good
� Excellent
� Diversified
� Foster retention
� Constant, balanced growth
� Diverse industries
� Welcoming
� Performance Arts Center
� Symphony Hall
� Major Art Center (i.e. Balboa Park)
� Accredited School of Art
� Good retail & restaurants
� People walking everywhere
� Mass transit available (trolley)
� Downtown residence
� Great place for browsing and window shopping
� Green
� Fountains
� �Friendly� environment
� Expanded street fairs with real commerce and entertainment
� Cultural & professional center
� Water elements
� Honesty
� Integrity
� Family
� Embrace all cultures
� Tolerance
� Ethics
� Known as high tech center
� City infrastructure supports tech
� International airport
� High speed rail with depot downtown
� Pedestrian friendly
� Buses go everywhere!
� Great highways/roads � infrastructure
� Roads maintained � no potholes!
� Metro/rail transportation / Landscaping along freeways
� Broad cultural diversity
� COMMITMENT and follow thru on �our� vision
� PRO-BUSINESS City Manager
� People feel included � willing to participate
� No City Manager � Mayor - Elected
� Developed inner city-No empty buildings downtown
� A good old girl network
� Less �Land� in use thru technology
� The courage to change!
� My children want to stay here!
� Vision 2020
Our Vision for our Economy over the Next 10-20 years?
� Diversify x 10
� Business friendly climate at the local/county/state level
� Retention of existing business
� Promotion of tech-savvy workforce
� Easy access to high-bandwidth (net access)
� Educate our own to meet new economy
� Blue and white collar jobs � manufacturing & service
� Consulting & development
� CIS Computer technology
� Knowledge workers
� Value added/net export
� Welcome to Bakersfield signs at each 99 entrance
� Business along the Kern River �restaurants like Sacramento
� Expanded Museum recreation complex � Landscaping; Art Complex; Water Park; Recreational
� Flowers decorating city parking structures
� High Tech District
� �H� St Noted Antique District
� Revitalization incentives
� 34th St. Redevelop � Recreation center partnership
� Core downtown: River Walk - & taxis
� Music & Art complex
� Theater Complex
� Restaurant District
� Shops & Restaurants
� Business & Residences together
� Brundage Lane landscaping
� S. of California � revitalization incentives
� Union Ave. & Beale � landscaping and trees
� �Old Town Kern� development; fountains
� Lakeview: new housing; retail center
� Recreation center partnership
� Trees � park-like & playground
� Redevelopment landscaping
� Welfare eliminated
� Lots of Trees
� More flowers
� High tech jobs
� �River Walk� development
� Football team �NFL�
� �Litter-free_ freeways
� Highway 99 not dividing West and East
� More water elements
� Increased property value
� Kern River with water all the time
� Appealing freeway corridors and landscape!
� Good transportation corridors
� Skilled workforce
� Clean Air
� Trees
� Low paying jobs
� Traffic jabs/long waits at stops
� �Unconnected Freeways�
� Pot holes
� Child abuse
� Crime/Gangs
� Dead end Freeways/Roads
� Filthy air
� Diversity
� Redevelopment
� Water
� Landscaping �greenbelt
� Technology
� Lots of color
� Transportation
� Skilled work force
� Arts & entertainment
� Celebration of our history