Phase III  

Visioning Meeting

Centennial High School � March 9, 2000


Our Slogan:

        The best of California!

        Big on Hospitality

        A great place to visit-a better place to live

        A city you would be proud to live in

        And proud to give back too!


Our Image:

        People want to come here

        People = Asset

        I�m from Bakersfield and proud of it



        Pedestrian friendly

        A town of willing inclusives

        Everyone is so caring and compassionate

        City of flowers & trees

        More pleasing transitions between housing/industrial/business/etc

        Where are you going to retire? Right here, of course.

        Clean, family friendly city


        Destination spot (as we once were)



        Cultural high spot


Our reputation:

        A great place to raise kids

        State-of-the-art health care

        Quality living that is affordable

        The best of California!

        A great place to visit�a better place to live

        A friendly place

        No child abuse

        Being sought after

        Still affordable living

        Community wide diversified jobs

        Dynamic, progressive

        Bakersfield setting the standard!

        Oil, Agriculture & High Tech capital of California


Civic Culture:

        Leaders of our state, nation and the world


Business environment:

        Broad business base

        Lots of knowledge worker opportunities

        Affordable �Silicon Valley� environment

        Business employment cycles that keep seasonal workers employed

        Business supports city


        Many types of high-paying jobs

        Business friendly but responsible

        Healthy business climate � retention of current business � incubation of new businesses

        Attract large, reputable business that support our community�s goals

        A great deal of interaction with our schools


Arts & Culture:

        Performing Arts Center

        Youth Arts Festival

        Numerous art galleries

        Continue outdoor murals with goal to have largest outdoor art gallery, depict Bakersfield history, founders, assets

        Business supported

        Big name concerts

        Broadway production quality plays


Heart of the City:

        Welcoming and walkable

        Outdoor shopping mall

        Downtown College Campus � CSUB

        Better use of water resources

        Much better and safer malls

        Skateboard friendly

        Business & cultural center

        Great restaurants

        Pedestrian friendly

        Places to have outdoor concerts and gathering spots

        Gas lamps/good lighting


        Government center

        Revitalized buys downtown (as it was many years ago)

        With protection of Downtown neighborhood areas

        Keep it clean!

        Great traffic flow

        Let downtown grow larger

        Infill!:  build on empty lots downtown

        Excellent food; entertainment; inviting

        Good neighbors

        Broad based community/humanitarian service

        Respect and admiration for our history


Our Values:




        Family & church

        Where God/family and others come before self

        Family unity



        Love & protect our children

        Respect for others




        Every child with educational software at home

        Mecca for high tech companies

        Affordable place to do high tech business

        Tie to higher education opportunities

        Everyone has access to latest mediums of communication



        Shuttle services between residential/retail/downtown/transportation terminals (air/train)

        Mass transit system connecting centers of population, business, entertainment

        Historic transit vehicles that goes between downtown venues

        Water transit

        High speed rail (N, S, E, W)

        Mass transit � easy to get anywhere

        Satellite airport to handle U.S. transportation

        Use our flights so they won�t leave us

        Ease of getting from place to place within city

        Parkway joining whole city


Biggest changes:

        Downtown housing

        Developed signature attractions

        Attractive �entrances� to the city

        Cleaner air

        Low drop out rate

        Connecting freeways

        More libraries

        No substandard housing

        Thousands of mature trees

        Highways all connect

        High speed rail system

        Bring back the water thru our town

        Stoop selling our water to L.A.

        Positive image

        Hispanic community active; included; involved; participating in the development of the city!!


Break Thrus

        No children with lead poison

        No surplus dogs & cats that need to be �put to sleep�

        90% recycling

        Low unemployment

        �West� and �East� (of Hwy 99) meet and work together

        Decline in unemployment, fewer people with drug problems,

        Excellent quality education for all students

        Trees everywhere

        Emphasize and enforce traffic safety

        Computer/high tech innovation developed here


Looking back I�m most proud of�

        Successful Vision 2020 process!

        Didn�t become Fresno

        Community investment in children

What�s Our Vision for Our Economy over the next 10-20 years?:

        Stable growth � not tied to just one or two industries

        More technical jobs and places where people can increase their technical skills

        ..and education for filling them

        Diversified, limited polluting industry

        Tourism, shipping, tech.

        Continual employment opportunities for seasonal workers

        Value added agriculture

        Water banking for community profit and habitat/open space

        Opportunity for anyone who wants to work

        Educational opportunities to create high paying jobs


        Thriving agriculture

        Greater demand for domestic oil (ours)

        Lowest property tax in California

        More millionaires per capita than any other community


        Not only in volume but  and concentration. Greater affluence will raise all boats


What kind of Economic Development Initiatives do we want to create?

        Credits designed to attract entertainment-leisure-Tech industries � communications

        Dedicate tax collection to industry/agency doing solicitation/market.

        Job/work force with skills that match business needs

        Incentives for using clean technology, recycling, telecommuting/transportation

        Remember small businesses can be remarkably successful

        A cooperative effort among agencies

        Low or no taxes; Fewer or more streamlined regulations


        Support for home businesses

        Business retention policies


        More women in leadership positions


What kind of Jobs do we want to attract here over the next 10-20 years?


        Limited use of chemicals

        More higher paying jobs � possibly more manufacturing

        High Tech


        Service industry

        Hospitality industry


        Jobs with growth opportunities

        Jobs that pay adequately even at bottom levels

        Jobs-that are focused on brain power (less manual)

        So much demand that there is a shortage of knowledge workers


        Companies that have many types and levels of jobs

        Auto assembly plant

        Production of goods � made in Bakersfield!

        Value added Ag, year �round employment

        Light manufacturing

Our Vision for Downtown:

        River �flowing

        Trees! Trees!  Trees! along  Hwy 99

        Nice Welcome signs on Hwy 99





        Parkway along river all through town

        Expanded Museum with family recreation, water park, cultural center

        Schools parks housing around 34th

        Old Town Kern:  trees, businesses, retail

        River canal project around convention center


        Tunnel into center

        Latin Quarter

        Residence downtown

        More trees

        Businesses, Education Center, Art Center along canal Lake

        Exhibition Hall & Baseball stadium @ California & Union

        Lakeview:  Trees; safe housing; Playgrounds; Parks, Retail � just like downtown

        A freeway with  a new, landscaped look to reflect our great town

        Welcome to Bakersfield sign on 99

        7th Standard/Golden State turns into a new loop around the city

        Run down hotel on Golden State now a major business center

        Arts District

        Lots of flowers and green ways

        No traffic or stoplight waiting on 24th.  Not a defacto freeway

        Freeway doesn�t end

        Housing downtown

        Tree lined side streets

        Senior housing

        Water along Truxtun

        Child care center and retail South of California

        Entertainment theme downtown from beginning California & throughout

        Lakeview: Industrial park

        No drug trafficking


        Senior housing

        34th Street:  Pedestrian-oriented commercial center; Mass transit concentrated parking

        Canal looks like San Antonio

        Lake Boats

        River Walk

        Theatre District

        Thriving businesses

        Lots of people walking (all hours of day and night)

        Fun nightlife for residents and visitors

        Historic District a la Old Sacramento

        No panhandlers

        Big cool water park � East side

        Stadium South of Truxtun



What we Wanted and we got:

        Excellent medical care available

        International airport

        Neighborhoods (planned)

        Water park

        Trees � serenity

        Well maintained community parks

        Stadium, baseball

        A river that flows

        Good water quality

        More churches, temples, mosques, etc/

        Mountain views 365 days a year!

        Hillls & less productive (Ag) land used for community development

        Positive image

        Better transportation (infrastructure)

        Coordinated economic development

        Highest achieving students in the world

        Higher quality teachers with better pay!

        More cultural amenities, museums

        Better planning � land & water

        No children living in substandard homes

        Baseball stadium

        Lots of shade trees � good pruning

        Excellent, affordable child care for every need

        Concentric urban development with lots of parks & trees to shade us in the summer

        Available health care to ALL � not just emergency services

        Water theme park

        Ice rink

        Respect for each other

        Open spaces

        Identifiable, diverse neighborhoods

        More sports contest and leagues

        Lots of agriculture on this fertile land

        Attractive entrances to the city

        Higher education centers-CSU-UC, etc. that attract research-related companies, Tech-related

        More go-kart tracks

        High speed rail

        Business relating well to education

        CSUB relating well to business

        A first class zoo!

        Open citizen participation in government issues that affect citizens

        Community gardens

        Higher grade average to play sport (in high school)

        More adult volunteers for youth activities. Seniors/youth partners

        More games

        Clean air!

        Cooler cars!

        River walk running through the city with water

        Capitalize on the Kern River & �green up� the town

        Brighter paint & murals on buildings

        Clean streets, benches

        Much cleaners schools, and smaller classes

        Educational opportunities for working adults (e.g. evenings-weekend)

        Clean air- see the mountains every day!

        Indoor surfing park

        Safe highways East/West

        Senior centers/activities/housing

        Open space/natural areas nearby

        Better signage on streets

        Larger numbers to view from cars


What we didn�t want, and we didn�t get:



        No longer �meth� capital

        School dropouts

        Air polluting businesses

        Ag burn � dust

        �Hich image�

        Child abuse

        More �adult� businesses

        Poorly maintaining Hwy 99

        Abandoned buildings


        Pot holes

        Red light runners � macho driers

        Dry river bed

        Good ag land paved over

        Weakened moral values



        Gang violence

        No more leaf-blowers

        No more leap frog development

        No L.A. gridlock

        No more cities buying land and using our city or county as their dump

        Kids who can�t read


        Contaminated water

        Major roads that are ugly

        Neighbors who don�t have hope

        Unskilled substitute teachers

        High gas prices

         No more kids jumping in the river & dieing

        No more beggars & homeless people

        Automatic graduations for failing students

        A lot of dirt & dust



Common Themes:



        River development


        Historical value


        Arts & Culture



        Social environment


        Senior housing

        Traffic safety and efficiency

        Pedestrian friendly

        Investment in children and youth

        Family values