Phase III  

Community Visioning Meeting

California State University Bakersfield

April 26, 2000


Our Slogan:

        Where the action is!

        THE place to live!



Our Image:

        A literate populace

        High quality of life

        Calm and lovely

        Business and family friendly

        Tolerant:  appreciative of diversity and novel ideas

        City life

        Is terrible to the �outside� But what they don�t know is how terrific it really is


Our Reputation:

        The reputation we deserve as an interesting, diversified community of intelligent, helpful people

        Progressive and forward thinking

        Healthy, safe, and interactive community

        Concerned for all members, tolerant

        Values Family

        Values Higher Education


        Service oriented



        A community based with mental health


Business Environment:

        Robust/environmentally safe business

        Family friendly jobs

        Collaboratives between businesses and schools (Jr. High-high school)

        Child care in work places

        Adequate parking

        Dynamic, hi-growth companies

        Downtown � Central Business � Cultural

        Surround services � one stop for working families



Arts & Culture:

        Visual arts education for all ages

        The New Art Museum

        A Natural History museum to reveal Kern Co�s beautiful prehistoric past

        A multitude of music education foundations for children

        Operas, Musicals!

        Everything imaginable

        Impressionist exhibit

        Many diverse offerings



        Health, science education center at CSUB

        World class faculty also committed to students

        Another college (UC with Ph.D. programs)

        H.S. grads in top third statewide

        Vocational school for the deaf

        Quality schools

        Crime free High schools

        More teachers

        Cross cultural education with lots and lots of multi-lingual educators

        Great E.C. programs!

        Technology in schools

        Greater or closer relationship between the future economic development and the areas of emphasis in this University, e.g. School of Engineering


Heart of the City:

        Cultural acceptance and integration

        Destinations downtown

        Recreational destinations (bike/walking trails � family-focus)

        Natural History Museum

        Symphony/lecture hall

        Educated youth

        Care and concern for the elders of the community

        Cultural garden pavilion

        Green belts

        Water way incorporating Central Park and Kern River


        Respect for all generations including the elderly

        Friendliness � good interactions

        Equal access to resources

        Well-established restaurants




Our Values:

        Families, children, education

        Respect for all cultures � and ages

        Pro-marriage and education

        Non-violent conflict resolution practices


        A really �connected� community each caring for the other

        Healthy exercise options



        Free internet access

        More public access to computers

        More start up companies


        Technology savvy (familiarity with trends)



        Good air travel to many destinations

        Jet planes

        Very prominent high-speed rail

        Crosstown East-West Parkway

        Loop around city

        Park & ride lots with express buses

        Buses run 24 hours

        Monorail- people movers- efficient parking

        More bike lanes � dedicated and protected

        Fast train to LA, SLO, SAC, S.F.

        Walking paths � safe!

        Park and ride with express buses


Biggest Changes:

        Clean air and water

        No graffiti

        Big city amenities with small town flavor

        Recycling system in place for everyone � glass/paper etc.

        No areas of blight

        All of community � good housing � education

        City and county cooperate

        Got rid of KCCD bureaucracy � made BC independent

        Big industry (oil and ag) plus Govt (Fed & State) giving back to our area in proportion to the resources and taxes taken from here

        Majority of population speaks a minimum of 2 languages

        Air quality meets all standards including the maximum

        Leader in sustainable tech and Ag & industry


Break Thrus:

        Bank of volunteer hours

        Coordinated animal care shelter

        More and bigger parks

        24 hour childcare centers, accessible, quality, local centers

        Advertise opportunities for volunteer work needed

        Sound abatement � activity buffers

        Tolerance of all (race, ethnicity, sex orientation)


Looking back I�m most proud of�

        Increase in higher education

        Continued community involvement with Vision 2020

        Majority of our high school graduates are going on to college, with local scholarship support!



What�s our Vision for our Economy over the next 10-20 years?

        Increase in overall salary and economy

        Reasonable health care costs

        Increase in theatres, restaurants

        New Art Museum

        Well-educated, productive workforce

        Lower taxes

        Higher taxes

        Solar power plants � let�s develop a solar power industry-encourage wind power industry

        Broad based concerned and centered in agriculture

        Clean industry � trend setting-sustainable

        More high tech attracted by low cost of living and dramatically improved air quality

        Value and pay for child development � pre-birth to adult


What kind of Economic Development Initiatives do we want to create?

        More jobs

        More jobs for deaf


        Inter-regional and internationally connected

        High tech

        Intergenerational day care

        Venture capital

        New economy jobs

        $$ into K-12 education to bolster viability of workforce

        Economic development of the Kern River for recreation


What kind of jobs do we want to attract here over the next 10-20 years?

        Professional health care people



        Cutting edge, high dollar

        Preserve farmland- ag

        Intellectual property � technology

        No dairies

        Attract bigger corporations

        Deaf teachers

        Bilingual educators

        Properly trained and paid caregivers for elderly and handicapped, young children � good pay and benefits

        Software (More like Edgemail, Mustang,  etc.)

        Post-industrial (Tech)



Our Vision for Downtown:

        Put water in river!!

        Green belts through city

        Park along river

        A little green place to sit S of California E of Chester and W of Chester and along Kern River

        Bike lane to connect to the West downtown to the bike path

        Ged rid of Garces circle

        Babyboomer center @ Union and 178

        Central downtown: retail, bookstores, movie, coffee bar plus jobs and living spaces

        Entertainment and retail and recreation complex between Truxtun and California

        Parks with planned recreation W of Lakeview

        Bike lanes on California Ave.

        Attractive �Riverwalk� through Central Park

        Canals : Columbus S to Beale, W thru Central Park, back N (W of Chester). Another canal through the center of that square

        Trees on Brundage, California, 24th St., 34th St. Columbus

        Tree-lined Parkway with rapid transit along Union Avenue

        High speed rail depot in E. Bakersfield

        New dance/hall facilities on East side

        Lots of restaurants downtown

        Ballpark S of Truxtun

        Recreational center for Greater Bakersfield children S of California, W of Chester

        Art Gallery on Union and California

        Lakeview area totally rejuvenated houses with a branch of the University E of Lakeview

        Improve interchange at Brundage and 58

        High medical specialist near 34th St.

        Major medical center E of Beale



In our Community�s Future We Wanted and We Got�

        Thriving after-school programs and high achieving youth

        A university with high academic standards

        More recycling systems

        Parenting classes

        More visual arts

        Water in river and canals before taking it out for Ag all year

        Dance club for under 18s

        Promote ethnic/cultural diversity

        Better funded schools

        More safe activities for youth (H.S.)

        Trees � big ones!

        Agriculture and dairies protected

        Support for family caregivers for the elderly

        More and better movies � w/captions

        A better sports complex (nationally recognized)

        Mass transportation

        Clean air and water

        Charter schools

        Bike paths

        More attractive architecture

        Planned development

        Water slide park!

        Theme parks with race cars, mini golf, etc.

        Expanded water bank

        Stimulating small child care that facilitates intellectual physical and emotional development

        Lots of small green places to sit and read

        Symphony Hall

        Support and building for our Natural History Museum

        Whitewater Slalom Kayak Park on the Kern River by Hart Park

        Business and service activities for the Jr. High and High Schools.  Get them into the business world early

        Waterway in downtown as in Dallas

        A better mall, better cable

        Bullet train/more bus service

        Clean up backyard

        Green belts

        More cultural activities and events

        Education for all

        Affordable mental health

        Adequate children�s mental health services


In our Community� Future We Didn�t Want and We Didn�t Get�

        Unplanned development


        Elders to be hidden in nursing homes or isolated in their old houses


        �Oildale� image

        Urban sprawl

        �Garbage� dumping in Metro Bakersfield

        Digital divide

        Ugly freeways

        Local government and businesses which will prevent much of these dreams

        People who don�t have health care options


        Rosedale Hwy (a major entrance and 1st exposure to Bakersfield) needs a face lift.  The businesses should be fined for non-compliance to aesthetic standards.

        Development without water resource and air quality considerations

        Air pollution � water pollution

        Water Park in the middle of a residential community

        Unplanned growth

        Change in small town atmosphere

        Overcrowded/overdeveloped residential and business areas

        Freeways without landscaping


Metropolitan Bakersfield � 2010 General Planning Area

        Ecological/recreation zone around entire river course

        Whate water Slalom Kayak Park

        River Run for Kayakers

        Bike path from China Grade Loop to residential

        High speed rail serving entire community

        Put industry that might contaminate groundwater on West side where water qualty is poor

        Keep River way � water year round

        No freeway over water banks area

        Clean up Rosedale

        No WaterPark on river

        Downtown:  Nordstroms, Cheesecake Factory

        Southern freeway to bypass city

        We need to route traffic on a circular route around Greater Bakersfield using 7th Standard Road on the North and Panama Road on the South.  Roads coming into the city would be like the spokes of a wheel for local traffic

        A 7th Standard Road route connecting Hwy 99 and I-5 would be an expensive way to solve the cross-town traffic problem

        Keep hospitals dispersed for emergency access

        Vocational schools for the deaf (old Stier�s lot)

        Signal at White Lane and Hwy 99

        A big park  on undeveloped portion of River

        Increase green belt along the river all the way out to I-5 on River

        Freeway N of river to connect with I-5

        Freeway beltway looping the city

        Airport � no stacking

        Stop light � 4way on Old River and 7th Standard

        Connect Akers between Harris and Planz

Common Themes:



        Green space


        Clean industry


        Cultural amenities

        Fun safe affordable activities

        Beautification of Bakersfield

        Sense of community

        Need for �cross-town� freeways

        Technology in business & schools � Bakersfield = �Silicon Valley�