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Our City's Founder, Col. Thomas Baker, died in 1872. But what if he were able to "Go Back to the Future" and see what his "Field" looks like "today" — sometime during the year 2020? What would he see? What would you hope he would see?

In January 2001, the Bakersfield Vision 2020 Report was released, capturing the community priorities and vision for the future of Bakersfield. The Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020 volunteers, who facilitated the process to engage almost 13,000 residents to create the Vision, handed the Vision and recommended actions plans back to the community to implement. This document is used by government officials, businesses, organizations and individuals to help plan and grow Bakersfield.

In 2010 a Vision 2020 task force inventoried the work done by the community toward the identified priorities over the previous ten years and produced a Second Quarter “Halfway” Progress Report.The report identified what has been accomplished both directly as a result of specific strategies and action plans in the original plan and indirectly in the Spirit of Vision 2020. The 2010 Halfway Report validated again that the community continues to enthusiastically embrace the Vision. Much has been accomplished thanks to broad-based participation by individuals, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, private industry and local government. There is still much to be done, but Greater Bakersfield is committed to take responsibility to achieve the goals set by the community for our future. To post additional updates to the community’s plan, visit our Facebook page.

As one of many community stakeholders engaged in implementing the Vision, Vision 2020 has taken the lead in helping to implement the Image element of the Vision. The Vision 2020 Image Committee hired a research consultant to identify the image of the community by California businesses, tourists, and retirees outside of Kern County. Based on this image research and additional community input, a marketing firm built a new Bakersfield brand. See the Marketing Kit for useful tools to promote Bakersfield. Photos, videos, stories, and promotional items for sale are also available at www.lifeinbakersfield.com. This website is an excellent recruiting tool.

The Vision for Greater Bakersfield is achievable because it represents what our residents want as witnessed by the broad base of individuals and organizations who have stepped forth to serve as ushers and stewards of the process. Greater Bakersfield is filled with "can-do" people who will work together with a "can-do" attitude to make it all happen.

Periodically individuals and organizations are recognized for their efforts to implement the community's Vision through Spirit of the Vision Awards.

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